Saturday 23 September 2017

Beauty of Northern Areas of Pakistan .


Northern Areas of Pakistan

Northern Areas of Pakistan is blessed with the greatest Volume of high mountains concentration of lofty peaks on earth. With in a small area there are like 100 mountain peaks above 7000 meters, five of which tower above 8000 meters:K-2 (8611 m), Nanga Parbat ( 8125 m ) Gasherbrum 1 (8068 m), Broad Peak (8047 m) Gasherbrum 1 ( 8035 m), and the longest glaciers out side polls on earth, where the mighty Himalaya, Karakorum, Pamir and Hindukush all meet. Northern Area of Pakistan is famous for great locations. Pakistan Northern Areas are enchanting for mountaineers...

 Ladyfinger Peak, is a distinctive rock spire in the Batura Muztagh, the westernmost subrange of the Karakoram range in Pakistan. It lies on the southwest ridge of the Ultar Sar massif, the most southeasterly of the major groups of the Batura Muztagh. The whole massif rises precipitously above the Hunza Valley to the southeast. Bublimotin, while having little prominence above the saddle with nearby Hunza Peak, is particularly notable for being a sharp, relatively snowless rock spire among snow peaks. This, combined with its height above the valley, makes it quite eye-catching..


Kaghan Valley is an alpine-climate valley in Mansehra District of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. Landslides caused by the devastating 2005 Kashmir earthquake closed the Kaghan Valley road and cut off the valley from the outside. The road now has been rebuilt for tourist . Jalkhad,khagan valley is the one of the bst and beautiful valley of khagan ......


The Karakoram Highway (often abbreviated to KKH and sometimes transliterated as Karakorum) runs between Western China and Pakistan (through disputed Kashmir ). It is one of the very few routes that cross the Himalayas and the most westerly of them. Following the KKH is considered to be one of the classic journeys of the travel world, it is also the highest international road in the World. KaraKoram mountain range, at 36|"51"00"N75" 25"40"E an elevation of 4,714 metres (15,466 ft)...It is the one of the Best and Beautiful Highway in Pakistan ...



The Length of Pak China Border... length of the border between Pakistan and China is 585 kilometers or 363.5 miles, and it is the shortest border among all other borders of Pakistan. Its in Gilgit Baltistan at the point of Khujerab pass .. khunjrab pass is the only modern day border crossing between China and Pakistan...This city occupies a strategic position, traversed by all passenger and freight traffic through the Pakistani-Chinese border. In Soest acts lightweight custom scheme, so Chinese products clearance is done here and then are delivered by list of cities of Pakistan .... World’s Highest Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is also Near khunjrab border... Height of khunjrab Border is about 15,397 feet above sea-level ...The venue of recently world’s highest ATM is on the route of China-Pakistan .....


The National Bank of Pakistan has installed a cash machine at Khunjerab Pass at a height of 15,397 Feet, making it the World’s highest ATM.

Attabad Lake (Gojal Hunza), Gilgit Baltistan

Attabad Lake is a very young lake that was formed in Jan 2010 when a huge landslide in Attabad village area fell down into river Hunza and blocked it, forming a 23 km long lake behind it. Later, a portion of landslide was breached to reduce the water accumulation. Even now, the lake is around 13 km long.
Attabad Lake basically follows the alignment of Hunza River and goes up to the Ghulkin village of Gojal Valley. It is 250 to 350 feet deep at various places. The water of Attabad Lake is of emerald blue colour, usually. In winters, a portion of the lake freezes but it is not safe to walk on the frozen lake as the ice is not very thick usually.
The old Karakoram Highway had drowned into the lake along with two villages. In 2016, construction of a new road, involving 4 tunnels, was completed that restored the link of Gojal valley with the rest of Pakistan. Before this, for almost 5 years, people of Gojal Valley transported everything on boats / ferries..

Muzaffarabad ( Azad Kashmir )

Muzaffarabad is the capital of Azad Kashmir Pakistan . It is located on the banks of the Jhelum and Neelum rivers. The district is bounded by North-West Frontier Province in the west, by the Kupwara and Baramulla districts of on the Indian side of the Line of Control in the east, and the Neelum District of Azad Kashmir in the north. The population of the district, according to the 1998 Census, was 725,000, and according to a 1999 projection, the population had risen to almost 741,000 .

Muzaffarabad Fort :

There are two historical forts on opposite sides of the Neelum River. Red Fort and Black Fort The construction of the Red Fort was finally completed in 1646 by Sultan Muzaffar Khan, the founder of Muzaffarabad. After the Mughals took over Kashmir, the fort lost its importance. The Mughals were more interested in Kabul, Bukhara, and Badakshan. During the period of Durrani rule, however, the fort once again assumed its importance. Maharaja Gulab Singh and Rambir Singh, the Dogra rulers, reconstructed and extended the fort for their political and military operations. Towards the middle of 1947, the Dogra forces left, leaving the fort abandoned. The architecture of the fort shows that great experts in design and structure participated in its construction. It is surrounded on three sides by the Neelum River formerly known as the Kishenganga River. The northern part of the fort had terraces with steps leading to the bank of the river. The eastern side was very well protected from the hazards of flood waters, but some parts on the north side have suffered damage. There used to be an inn at the entrance to the fort, but only traces of that structure remain now.

Muzaffarabad Fort

Red Fort is also known as the Muzaffarabad Fort was built by the Chak rulers of Kashmir. The current locality us called Center Plate...Locally, it is known as the "Rutta Qila" or just "qila"


The valley is situated in the north-east of Muzaffarabad , running parallel to Kaghan Valley. The two valleys are only separated by snow-covered peaks, some over 4,000 meters (13,000 ft) above sea level.Sharda is the one of the beautiful place in Neelum Valley It is a piece of heaven on earth. A place of worth watch , the place of beautiful landscape ...It is One of the beautiful spots of the World located on the banks of the Neelum river at an altitude of 1,981 meters (6,499 ft), about 136 kilometers (85 mi) from Muzaffarabad.The most Historical places of Sharda is SHARADA PEETH and JANAWAI TOWN...The ruins of the famous temple and Hindu pilgrimage site Sharada Peeth , dedicated to the goddess Sharada who represents learning, is situated in this town. Other historical sites in the town include the Sharda fort, and Kishan Ghaati. Sharda and Nardi are two mountain peaks overlooking Sharda in the valley. It was a Buddhist and Hindu place of learning for centuries.


Sharada Peeth is an abandoned Hindu temple located in the village of Sharda, along the Neelam River in Azad Kashmir. It is situated near the militarily-sensitive Line of Control which divides Pakistani administered Kashmir from Indian administered Kashmir.


Arang Kel is a lush green village, hill station and tourist spot in Neelum Valley ,Azad Kashmir Pakistan. It is located on the hill top above Kel at the altitude of 8,379 feet (2,554 m) feet. It is located at a plateau after an hour hiking from Kel city . Hiking is not easy but its a must visit place in Kel ....


The Ratti Gali Lake is an alpine glacial lake which is located in Neelum Valley, Azad Kashmir at an altitude of 12130ft. The lake is fed by the surrounding glacier waters of the mountains.The lake got its name from the dark red flowers that are spread over the surrounding the mountains. The red flowers enchant the passersby with their beauty, especially the serene view of the surface when it shimmers under the late afternoon sun.The lake is also locally known as Dowarian Lake because of the nearby village which has the same name. Ratti Galli lake is a true wonder of nature as it is surrounded by the green pasture covered mountains and fed by the water from the surrounding glaciers. The flora and fauna found at the Ratti Gali Lake are renowned throughout the world for their unsurpassed beauty. Hawks and otters can be easily seen in the area when one treks around the place. As the lake is located in the Neelum Valley which is home to a number of waterfalls

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The Travel Book: A Journey Through Every Country in the World (Lonely Planet)

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